Business cash grants and income support announced for SA COVID-19 restrictions

Posted on 10/1/2022

Business Advisory

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With thousands of South Australian businesses forced to close due to the latest COVID-19 restrictions, the State Government has revealed new financial support measures for affected small business and workers. Read on to find out if you are eligible and how you can access the new support.
SA Government COVID-19 Support

In response to the latest state-wide COVID-19 restrictions and density limits, the South Australian Government has announced a $40 million business support package, offering eligible tourism, hospitality and fitness-related businesses an automatic cash grant of up to $11,000, while grants of up to $8,000 will also be available for other eligible businesses that experienced a 50 per cent reduction in turnover from December 27 2021.

Business support

Tourism, hospitality and gym grant

Automatic Payment: Eligible local tourism, hospitality and fitness-related businesses will be paid up to $11,000 in automatic cash grants to support them in managing the impacts of the latest state-wide COVID-19 restrictions and density limits.

Turnover based payment: A second cash grant of up to $12,000 is also available on application; however, to receive the payment, you will need to demonstrate that you have experienced a 30% reduction in turnover in the two weeks starting from 27 December 2021. A business does not need to have received the automatic payment to then be eligible for this grant.

Non-employing businesses (eg; sole traders) not operating in the CBD are also eligible for $1,000 automatic and turnover-based payments, while those operating in the CBD can access automatic and turnover-based payments of $2,000.

The full eligibility criteria for the tourism, hospitality and gym grant (turnover based payment) dictates that a business must, as at 12:01am Monday 27 December 2021:

  • Be located within South Australia
  • Be registered for GST
  • Employ people in South Australia
  • Have a valid Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Have an Australia-wide grouped payroll of less than $10 million in the 2019-20 or 2020-21 financial year
  • Experienced at least a 30% reduction in turnover (compared to the two weeks prior) due to the restricted trading conditions
  • Not be engaged in illegal activities

To be eligible for the tourism, hospitality and gym grant for sole traders, a business must meet the criteria listed above excluding the requirement to employ people.

To register for the payments, businesses should submit their application through the Revenue SA website.

Business hardship grant

Grants of up to $8,000 are also available to other eligible businesses that experienced a 50% reduction in turnover in the two weeks starting from December 27, 2021.

Eligible employing businesses will be provided with a once-off $6,000 grant, with a further grant of $2,000 available for eligible businesses operating from a commercial premise located in the CBD.

Non-employing businesses will be provided with a once-off $2,000 grant, with a further $2,000 available for eligible businesses operating in the CBD.

The full eligibility criteria for the business hardship grant dictates that a business must, as at 12:01am Monday 27 December 2021:

  • Be located within South Australia
  • Be registered for GST
  • Employ people in South Australia
  • Have a valid Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Have an Australia-wide grouped payroll of less than $10 million in the 2019-20 or 2020-21 financial year
  • Experienced at least a 50% reduction in turnover (compared to the two weeks prior) due to the restricted trading conditions
  • Not be engaged in illegal activities

To be eligible for the business hardship grant for sole traders, a business must meet the criteria listed above excluding the requirement to employ people.

To register for the payments, businesses should submit their application through the Revenue SA website.

Major events grant

A grant of up to $100,000 will be available to organisers for major events that were forced to be either cancelled or postponed between 27 December 2021 and 27 January 2022.

Operators of eligible events with more than 1,000 expected attendees will be provided with a once-off grant of up to $25,000 to support them in these difficult circumstances.

A grant of up to $100,000 is available in respect of larger eligible events with expected attendance of more than 10,000.

To register for these payments, businesses should email

For more information on support packages for businesses impacted by the latest COVID-19 restrictions, please visit the SA Treasury website.

Details on previous SA cash grants under the COVID-19 Support Fund can be found here.

Talk to our Business Advisory Team

Andrew Craig

Andrew Craig

Andrew specialises in tax planning advice and wealth creation strategies for medical practitioners, specialists and other health sector professionals.

Anita Allan

Anita Allan

Anita leads our cloud accounting specialist team, centred on creating efficiencies for our clients’ internal financial and reporting systems.

Brian Nimmo

Brian Nimmo

Brian specialises in providing high level taxation advice. Tax consulting across corporate tax, capital gains tax and international tax, to ATO product and class rulings for managed investment schemes.

Damon Hammond

Damon Hammond

Working closely with owners of SME’s and privately owned businesses has seen Damon assist them in obtaining the very best results time and time again.

Elizabeth Elliot

Elizabeth Elliot

Providing high level advisory services to a diverse client base, Liz also heads up our bookkeeping division.

Mark Roderick

Mark Roderick

Insight gained over time, underpins the strength of Mark’s advice and his ability to provide relevant and effective solutions to his business clients.

Matthew Petersen

Matthew Petersen

Providing expert advice in taxation and accounting, asset protection, business structures and succession planning. Matthew is a key member of the firm’s Agribusiness specialisation.

Neil Oakes

Neil Oakes

Providing tax consulting advice to small, medium and large enterprises, with specific focus in the aged-care and property industries.

Pat Hodby

Pat Hodby

Pat’s work in the pharmacy and hospitality spaces has established him as a specialist in these industries. He has worked on profit improvement and financial forecasting across a range of pharmacy transactions.

Sam Hicks

Sam Hicks

With more than 20 years’ experience in professional accounting, Sam is highly adept at delivering client-first accounting, tax and business services to a wide range of clients.

Sam Wagner

Sam Wagner

Sam has assisted many pharmacy and medical clients in the key areas of tax compliance, business valuations and restructures, business transactions and transitioning their financial affairs to the cloud.

Tom Paine

Tom Paine

Advising on taxation and accounting, cloud accounting, financial forecasting, asset protection and business structures. Tom has a particular focus on primary production, thoroughbred racing, breeding and hospitality.

Vince Tripodi

Vince Tripodi

Vince has been providing business and accounting advice to individuals and business owners for over 30 years. He is goal driven, results based, and a problem solving expert.

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