The Village Co. is an incredible not-for-profit organisation that relies solely on the generous donations from the community to make a difference in the lives of new mothers in need. Your support can directly impact and improve the lives of these mothers.
Physical Donations
You can contribute by checking out the shopping list below for essential items needed. Even the simple act of adding an extra item to your regular grocery shopping can have a significant and positive impact.
Shopping List
Drop-Off Locations
Alternatively, you can make a monetary donation here.
Camp KickStart is a school holiday care program run entirely by volunteers for vulnerable and disadvantaged children aged five to thirteen who experience hardship and don’t look forward to the holidays.
During these camps, KickStart for Kids feed, clothe and mentor the children, while also giving them a range of fun activities to partake in. They are calling on you to help us by donating clothing. They are in specific need of the following:
Sneakers for both girls and boys
Ballet flats for the girls
*please note we need junior and senior youth sizes, not adult sizing*
Boys: sizes 9, 10, 11,12 13, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Girls: sizes 9, 11, 12, 13, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
Boys & Girls Socks
Sizes 5-8, 9-12, 13-3, 3-8
Girls t-shirts: sizes 10 & 12
Girls windcheater/hoodies: sizes 10, 12, 14 & 16
These do not have to be expensive and can cost as little as $3 from Kmart, Big W, Best & Less and Target. They are also welcoming of good quality, clean second-hand clothing.
Where to Donate
Alternatively, you can make a monetary donation here.
The rapid growth of the KickStart for Kids period poverty program has meant they now provide over 1000 packs of pads and 200 packs of tampons to 200 schools every month – a demand they are struggling to meet.
Currently, they have almost run out of sanitary items. Your help donating products so they can continue supporting young people across the state is greatly appreciated.
Where to Donate
• Perks Level 8 Reception,
• Special donation boxes are located across all 37 National Pharmacies stores in South Australia, OR
• The KSFK warehouse located at 87 James Melrose Rd, Novar Gardens SA
Alternatively, you can make a monetary donation here.
Please fill out the form below to make an appointment or request more information.