Recent JobKeeper Announcement from the ATO

6 years ago Posted on 28/4/2020

Please note, there is now an extension of time to enrol for the initial JobKeeper period from 30 April 2020 until 31 May 2020.

If you enrol by 31 May, you will still be able to claim for the fortnights in April and May provided you meet all the eligibility requirements for each of those fortnights. This includes having paid your employees by the appropriate date for each fortnight. For the first two fortnights (30 March – 12 April, 13 April – 26 April), the ATO will accept the minimum $1,500 payment for each fortnight has been paid by you even if it has been paid late, provided it is paid by you by the end of April.

You can enrol and claim for JobKeeper earlier if you choose. For example, you can enrol by the end of April to claim JobKeeper payments for the two fortnights in April.

The ATO has also extended the payment date for the first two JobKeeper fortnights to 8 May 2020. Employers will need to pay employees each $1,500 in respect of the first two JobKeeper fortnights (30 March – 12 April, 13 April – 26 April) by 8 May 2020. It is acceptable to pay the minimum $1,500 for each fortnight even if it has been paid late, provided it is paid by 8 May. This means that you can make two fortnightly payments of at least $1,500 per fortnight by 8 May, or a combined payment of at least $3,000.

If you have questions regarding JobKeeper, please contact your Perks Adviser